57 Channels (And Nothin' On)

...nach Kreuzchen sortiert / Sorted by your marks.

20. Deutscher Perl-Workshop 2018 in Gummersbach

35 Fragebögen kamen ausgefüllt zurück. - Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung! / 35 Questionnaires have been filled out and returned to me. - Thank you for supporting this!

x Ja, verwende ich. / x Yes, I use this.

34 Telefon Handy- mobile phone
33 E-Mail*
24 SMS / mobile phone text messages
18 VOIP mit Festnetzapparat - with a hardphone
18 Telefon Festnetz - telephone Landline
13 gmail - googlemail
4 VOIP mit Handy - on Mobile Phone
4 VOIP mit/on Notebook / Tablet PC
1 VOIP mit/on (non-mobile) PC

22 Youtube
19 IRC
13 WhatsApp
12 Meetup
12 Skype
12 Twitter
11 Telegram

10 Jabber
10 Threema
9 Google+
9 Reddit
8 facebook
8 Hangouts (Google)
7 Skype for Business

6 Flickr
6 Instagram
5 facebook Messenger
5 Signal
5 Wire Sicherer/secure Messenger
4 LinkedIn
4 Lync
4 XING app

3 CouchSurfing
2 Goodreads
2 Last.fm
2 LiveJournal
2 Perlmonks Chatterbox
2 Pinterest
2 Quora
2 SoundCloud

1 Academia.edu
1 DeviantArt
1 Diaspora*
1 LibraryThing
1 Minds
1 Shelfari
1 Snapchat
1 Stayfriends
1 Telegram X
1 Tumblr
1 Yelp

++ Das empfehle ich. / ++ I recommend this.

15 E-Mail
6 Telefon Handy- mobile phone
6 Threema
6 Youtube
4 Jabber
4 Signal
4 Telefon Festnetz - telephone Landline
4 Telegram

3 Quora
3 VOIP mit Festnetzapparat - with a hardphone
2 gmail - googlemail
2 Meetup
2 Reddit
2 Skype for Business
2 Twitter
2 Wire Sicherer/secure Messenger (GPW Orga preferred)

1 CouchSurfing
1 LinkedIN
1 Lync
1 Skype
1 SoundCloud
1 WhatsApp

Was wurde vergessen? / What did I miss on the questionnaire?

Matrix / Riot Riot.im